Da nisam čitala na raznim blogovima i čula od devojaka koje su ih kupile pre mene, bila bih zaista impresionirana ovim senkama. Ovako, unapred sam znala da su odlične. Ipak sam htela da ih probam, pa sam za prvi put kupila najmanju paletu od 3 senke (pojedinačne senke koštaju po komadu samo malo manje od ove cele palete). Trebalo mi je dosta vremena da se odlučim u vezi boja, jer ih ima stvarno mnogo: mat, shimmer-a, šljokičastih, drečavih, neutralnih, okruglih ili četvrtastih, mogu se kombinovati u raznim varijantama - po 3, 5, 10, 20, u paletama sa magnetnim poklopcem tako da se slažu jedna na drugu.... mnogo varijanti i milion nijansi.
Same senke su odlične - meke i svilenkaste, ne mrve se, jako su pigmentisane i bez podloge za senku, sa podlogom su još intenzivnije boje, dugotrajne (čak i bez podloge stoje na mestu ceo dan).
Dolaze u plastičnoj crnoj elegantnoj kutijici sa ogledalom, bez aplikatora, imaju po 1.8 grama, i predviđam da će mi trajati dugo, dugo.
Cena za ovu paletu od 3 senke je oko 1200 dinara, što je obzirom na kvalitet koji se dobija, baš povoljno. Prodavnica "Inglot" u Beogradu se nalazi na uglu ulica Kralja Petra i Uzun Mirkove (Vasine).
Za: intenzivne boje, svilenkasta tekstura, odlicna postojanost, kolicina, elegantno i jednostavno pakovanje, ogroman izbor boja, freedom sistem, odnos kvalitet/cena.
Protiv: nista
Ocena: 5/5
Protiv: nista
Ocena: 5/5
If I hadn't read on the various blogs and heard from girls that have already bought it, I would be really impressed with these shadows. Thus, I knew in advance that they are outstanding. But I wanted to try them, and for the try, I bought the smallest palette consisting of 3 eye shadows. It took me a really long time to decide which colors to put into palette, because the choice is really huge: matte, shimmery, sparkly, bright colored, neutral, round or square, and all of them can be combined in palettes of 3, 5, 10, 20, in cases with magnetic lid to put on top of each other, etc .... many ways and a hundreds of shades.
The shadows themselves are excellent - soft and silky in texture, not powdery at all, strongly pigmented, and even without the eyeshadow primer the colors are very intensive and long lasting (on me, they lasted from 8 in the morning until midnight - with just a minor smudging).
They come in elegant black plastic box with a mirror, without the applicator, weight 1.8 grams, and will surely last a long time.
Price for this palette is about 10 euros, which is very affordable and excellent value for money, quality-wise. "Inglot" store in Belgrade is located on the corner of Kralja Petra and Uzun Mirkova (Vasina) streets.
Pro's: intensive colors, silky texture, fantastic durability, quantity, sleek case, huge selection of colors , freedom system, price/quality.
Con's: nothing
Rating: 5/5
Con's: nothing
Rating: 5/5